“When you are outside you naturally glow;  I instantly become happier.”

I think during lockdown I went on a walk every single day up to the local farm and it just helped me relax and think. It was just so blissful and so calming. I could just clear my head if I had issues. I could just walk and walk and walk until I cleared my head and then I think, okay, go home now. I've cleared my head. 
My dream is to have my own animal sanctuary and keep nature thriving. My dad always said from day one when I was born, "You're gonna start working with animals." I've always loved animals and he's always gone, "You're going to have a talent for animals." I can tell when something's going on with an animal, it just comes naturally to me.
Like nature, people either love me or hate me. People don't want to get to know me because I'm different. I'm not like a normal boy sort of thing. I don't like sports, I like art and dancing, and I hang around girls more than boys, not like a girlfriend sort of thing, just my best mates.
If nature could say anything, I honestly think it would say "save me." I wrote a poem from the perspective of you swimming down a river and the luscious green fields turn into concrete jungles of concrete buildings. And then the fish would turn into people's litter, ducks would turn into boats and stuff like that. Nature has just changed. You need to love it and treasure it. If you see a bird on the floor that maybe can't fly, you’ve got to help it. If you see a plant dying, you go and help it and try and get it thriving again.
Stick to who you are. Nature doesn't care what people think, it wants to grow and keep growing.
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