“I'm a strong person. Whatever life throws at me,  I just try and remember to do my best.”

It's a leopard, a kind of teddy. It's yellow with black spots. 
When our dog died, I remember my parents gave the teddy to me as they said I was definitely the closest to him. I treated him like my own child. We spent so much time together.
The teddy carries on his memory. I have it on my windowsill, so I can see it and look at it and be like "he didn't ever give up so I shouldn't give up" .
I'm a strong person. Whatever life throws at me, I just try and remember to do my best and that's all I can really do.
Once you get to know me, I'm someone who is there for you. I will always listen no matter what. That's what I am like. My friend might have an issue. I know they need someone to listen to them. They might say something to me and then I will take into account what they've said and try to help them in the best way I can. I don’t want to see them struggle. I know even if it helps just a bit, then I know I've done something.
Being a good listener is definitely a key skill some people have. At first, I didn’t think it was a really good skill, but over the years I've realised it's good to see you’ve actually helped someone by even just saying a couple of words to them to help them feel happier.
Three words that are important to me: strong, love and resilience.
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